Hey Gut Healing Mumma x
How are you?
No I really mean it…….. How are you?
You’ve found out you child has gut issues. You’ve jumped through all the recommended hoops, but you’re still not getting anywhere.
You are up for the assignment of your life in healing your little one’s gut.
You will be obsessed. Researching, stressing over bowel movements and rashes, jumping from hospital to Specialist to Dr to Naturopath to Nutritionist, until you find the right one for you. You won’t stop until you get your little one to a healthier state, and your lives back to something resembling normality.
You’ll be on a roller coaster of ups and downs, wins and set-backs, two steps forward, another three back.
During all this you’ll still be wearing your 50 other hats. And like so many of us today, you may not have much support, no village, and you’re exhausted.
You have to put your own oxygen mask on first……….
If you were like me, you probably haven’t slept since your little one was born. More so than the usual new baby not sleeping cos you’re bub is having issues. You never get a chance to drink enough water. You eat your kids uneaten left overs on the run, and usually in a state of stress.
Cortisol and other stress hormones are forever being released by your adrenals. You’re in a constant state of ‘fight or flight’ mode. Your own gut will start to suffer. Your food and nutrients won’t be absorbed. You may even still be breast feeding, prioritising all of your nutrients to your bub. You may be suffering from post-pardom depletion.
So……………………….. For the sake of your child, your family, your marriage and YOU, please get yourself checked out. I’m talking full bloods, vitamin and mineral screening, spot iodine test etc. This way you can supplement what is lacking, take some time for deep breathing and get yourself in the best shape possible to get you through this journey and out the other side.
And……….you will come out the other side!
Of course this is me speaking from experience. I didn’t put on my own oxygen mask first and my body finally got to a point where it couldn’t carry the load anymore and I went down. I could barely do the basics for about four months – This was about two years in to our journey.
You really can’t pour from an empty cup.
Fill yours up and then you can be of service to those who really need you.
You’ve got this! But, you have to take care of yourself so you can weather this storm.
Love Meagan xx
Need some help, guidance, an online village and support from a Mum who has been where you are now some years back? I’d love to help.
By becoming a member of The Wholefoods, Low-Tox Mums Membership will give you access to some core units about Gut health, boosting immunity, low-tox living and eating a healthy wholefoods diet. There’s over 100 gluten, dairy and refined sugar free recipes in the recipe vault, weekly tips on health and low tox living, monthly masterclasses and a heap of resources to help you navigate your new healthy lifestyle. You’ll also be a part of our beautiful private Facebook group for Mums. Jump on the waiting list here. We open Nov 2020 for the final time this year x