yes you can supercharge your family’s gut and immune health with simple, healthy swaps without the overwhelm.

Join the wholefoods, low-tox mums membership!

 let me hold your hand & show you how to make eating real food, super easy! just like i did when our healing journey began over 5 years ago.

see what our current members are saying about the membership.

I gained so much info and insight from The Gut Healing Community on my journey to heal my son’s gut issues that it was a no-brainer joining the Wholefoods Low-Tox Mums right from the start. Meagan is incredibly supportive and genuinely cares about everyone’s journey, even tailoring the masterclasses and tutorials to individual requests. Then the access to the online recipe vault has heaps I can actually use with all my kid’s food intolerances, without searching the web endlessly. It’s only early days, and I’ve already adjusted my prep and cooking process to save time and feel less flustered catering to everyone in my fam while keeping it really healthy. And I haven’t even used the nutritionist yet!

Sharni Cubis

Mum of 2

I would like to say a big thank you to Meagan for creating the Wholefoods, low-tox membership. Ive been loving exploring the recipes that are simple n healthy and love the vibe in the group. I really like the option to revisit at any time. It suits me at this time in my life. Loving all the tips you have shared to help us along our journeys and reach our individual goals. The Masterclasses have been great, such a wealth of information thank you. I highly recommend checking out this group, it’s really helped me to refocus and make my goals for me and my family feel achievable. Thank you Meagan

Natalie Rule

Mum of 2 boys

Thank you to Meagan for inviting me into the Membership.
I love the recipe section and our private Facebook group where we can interact with other members, seek advice from trained professionals, ask questions in a safe and supportive environment, and watch videos on heaps of different topics from food prep to low tox living to how to budget.
It’s nice to be able to implement small changes into our home and it doesn’t feel as overwhelming as it did before I started.
It’s such great value for money, it has an easy to navigate website and Facebook group, I would highly recommend jumping aboard if you want to start adjusting to a low tox lifestyle.
Katie Burns

Mum of 2

wholefoods, low tox Mum membership

Have you been thinking of making some healthier life choices but are in need of some guidance and encouragement to get you over the line?

Want to super charge your families gut and immune health with simple swaps and additions without having to get a nutrition degree or become a master chef

Do you struggle to come up with healthy meals and keeping the toxic load down and revert back to less healthy choices? (Don’t beat yourself up, you’re human – we can help!)

Or maybe you’re already on a healthy path but want access to our delicious recipe vault so you can drop the mental load of thinking up meals everyday? 

We are so excited to welcome you to our Wholefoods, Low Tox Mums Membership!

With around 80% of immune cells residing in the gut, it’s time to nourish both yours and your family’s bodies with clean, REAL.SIMPLE.FOOD. Let’s keep those bugs at bay by fuelling your family with a wholefoods diet, and reducing their toxic load, with simple, achievable steps.

We’re not aiming for perfection here!! Every little change adds up to great results.

The membership has been amazing for me. My little fussy eater is loving the recipes and it has taken some of the stress away from meal times for the fam. We are vegetarian and there is still so much variety in the recipe vault for us to choose from. I’m loving the Ask the Nutritionist segment as well where I can ask questions about my kids and also about my own symptoms. So much value for money! Thanks Meagan. 

Yasmin Parr

Mum of 2 boys

I’m loving the membership so far! I don’t have a lot of time and Meagan has been sharing and adding information at a pace that I can keep up with and not get lost! Everything in the membership area is easy to find, and best of all, easy to understand xx

Carly Owen

Mum of 3

Meagan is one of those rare gems whose honesty and integrity shines through her work.
She is a wealth of wisdom around gut health and shares her ideas openly and genuinely for the benefit of others.
I’m loving her membership and trying out her creative recipes, especially the gummies for the kids. It’s so good to have a space to ask questions, to share and to learn with like minded people.
Thanks for being such a positive and supportive part of my world. I’m so glad I met you.
Veronica Mc Dermott

Mum of 2

What will you have access to as a member of the wholefoods, low tox mums membership?

As a member you will be able to join for the low price of just $29 per month (that’s a little over 1 cup of coffee per week!). So get in quick before the price goes up!

You will also be able to help shape the content that is being shared with you. The foundation content is sorted, but let’s give you what you need to make your life easier! There’s no silly questions.

There is no lock in contracts so you don’t have to feel locked in to this amazingness (tee hee). You can join us now and cancel at anytime as your circumstances change.

But you’re gonna want to stick around! Before you know it you’ll be a wholefoods, low tox Mumma, nourishing yourself and your fam with ease!

The Recipe

Help keep the junk food at bay with a heap of healthy wholefood recipes including: drinks, smoothies, breakfasts, snacks, gummies, broths, soups, stews, tray-bakes, slow-cooker meals, salads, healthy desserts, ferments and more. All recipes are gluten, dairy and refined sugar free. But impotantly of all – they are all simple!

The Facebook Community

You can ask anything you need at any time in the Facebook Community – we are here to help!

Join in the fun, share your stories and develop lasting friendships in a community of like-minded Mums that just want the best for their families. You’ll create an awesome support network to share your wins and fails and we can all learn from one another.

Ask the Nutritionist

Melissa Cavenaugh of Flourishing Families Holistic Nutrition is on hand to answer any complex nutrition questions in the Facebook community. Be sure to join in and get your nutrition questions answered. 


Gut Health & Building Immunity

Given these crazy times and with winter on the way, we will have a special focus on sharing a heap of tips and recipes around the topic of building your immune system for optimum health and resistance to all the bugs out there!

Low Tox

We will provide advice and guides to help you lead a more low tox life. This will include DIY recipes or recommendations for cleaning products, low tox skin care and beauty advice, low-tox food choices and kitchen tips,  resources and product recommendations so that you can reduce your families toxic load, prevent disease and help them thrive.


 We will have expert masterclasses on a range of topics including: Gut Health, probiotics, children’s nutrition, emotional eating, curbing sugar cravings, choosing natural beauty and skincare products, hormone health and balancing, mental health and mindset, fussy eating tips, budgeting, bulk cook-ups and heaps more. But all at a pace to suit your busy life. You’ll also have access to all past masterclasses prior to you joining. 

This is for you if:

  • You want simple easy, clean wholefood recipes the whole family will enjoy.
  • You want to learn how to reduce harmful chemicals in your food and from your home and replace them with natural alternatives so that you can be as healthy as possible.
  • You want to access advice on gut health and nutrition so that you can nourish yourself and your family.
  • You want to learn both fun and educational stuff about a range of topics so that you can be empowered with knowledge.
  • You want to be a part of an amazing supportive group of Mums on a similar journey to you.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You don’t want to make some positives changes to fuel your body and reduce your toxic load.
  • You’re not wanting to be a part of something amazing!
  • You’re not in to wholesome, delicious, easy recipes.
  • You don’t want to learn anything more about nutrition, gut health, fermenting and more. You don’t want to reduce the number of toxins that your family is exposed to on a daily basis.
When I discovered some gut health issues the hardest thing was knowing where to start! It’s a huge minefield of info out there on food intolerances and low-tox living, it was a bit overwhelming. When I found Meagan and The Gut Healing Community, it was a relief! Her knowledge on eating clean and eliminating toxins from our daily life made it so much easier. I love the simple delicious recipes she shares, and I’ve managed to make so many small switches in our house that it’s made a huge difference without it being hard at all. She’s so helpful and supportive and knows what works for young children too. Massive thank you! Xx

Jessica Osborn
Mum of 2


I’m really enjoying the simple recipes you have so thank you very much. It’s made life simplified and made me feel so much better inside and out. It’s amazing what a difference good food that’s wholefood can make to your life.

I really appreciate the effort you put into your community so that you can help others.

Thank you so much.

Becky Searles
Mum of 2



Meagan’s life was turned upside down not long after the arrival of her beautiful daughter Meika who had serious gut issues. Her family had to make a sudden switch from the standard Australian diet to a new way of eating – Gut healing and wholefoods only. She also made the switch to a low tox lifestyle, ridding her home of toxic beauty and cleaning products and more. It was a massive thing to do with a new born but it doesn’t have to be that extreme for you.

Meagan will slowly take you through the process of switching to a wholefoods diet and removing harmful toxins from your life at a pace that suits your family and your unique situation.

She’ll teach you how to create beautiful nourishing food with simple, easy to cook recipes that your family will love.


This membership sounds amazing but what after a while I find it's not for me?

No worries at all. There is no lock in contracts. The membership is paid for month by month with no obligation to stick around if it’s not for you. 

what happens if my financial situation changes and i need to leave the membership?

You can leave the membership at any time. There is no lock-in contracts.

I'm already really busy. How am i going to find time to fit this in?

The content in the program will be shared at a rate that is manageable to busy Mums like you and me. You will have access to the recipe vault at anytime and all masterclasses and info will be available in the group for when you find a time that suits you to consume it. The idea of the membership is to save you time by sharing my tried and tested tips when it comes to clean eating and living low-tox.

I already eat really clean and live low tox, will this membership be too basic for me?

The more I learn, the more I realise there is always so much more to learn. This community will be for you as you can make the most of our ‘Ask the Nutritionist’ sessions, our expert master classes and the recipe vault. You’ll also be a part of an amazing group of women where you can share what you know, make connections and be inspired. 

I have no idea about eating a wholefoods diet and living low tox. I don't even know where to start. wilL this all be too overwhelming for me?

The way the membership is set up is so that it is not too overwhelming or time consuming. You can slowly start to add some of the recipes in to your diet, slowly make the low tox changes as your time and finances permit. You won’t get left behind and you can ease in to it at a pace to suit you. We are here to support you along the way. There is no pressure and no silly questions. 

What do you mean by reducing your toxic load?

The world is full of harmful toxins that intefer with our hormones and cause damage to our guts. Inside the membership we can guide you to make healthier choices to reduce the amount of harmful toxins that you are exposed to both in your food, beauty products and in your environment.

What is a wholefoods diet?

A wholefoods diet is void of artificial ingredients, preservatives, and additives. Think fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, meat, poultry, seafood and eggs. Minimally processed foods. Real food closest to it’s natural state. 

some other reviews for Meagan & The Gut Healing Community

The Gut Healing Community has been a fantastic resource for delicious recipes that support my quest for living a life that supports an autoimmune conscious diet & lifestyle. Meagan is only too happy to help with any queries and goes above and beyond to support your journey ♡♡

Alexandra Lopez
Mum of 2


There is a wealth of such useful factual information at The Gut Healing Community. Meagan has such a vast knowledge and provides such great advice, recipes and genuine heart-felt support. I always enjoy what she shares so generously.

Lowenna Holt
Mum of 2


Meagan and The Gut Healing Community have been an incredible support to me by sharing such valuable knowledge and resources that have enabled me to heal and restore my gut which has had an significant impact on my life. Meagan is caring, funny and such an expert in this area who genuinely wants to help.

Nat Stewart
Mum of 4


Meagan shares great gut healing recipes that are family friendly. Thank you Meagan! Your support during the more challenging times with our allergy/gut healing journey has been greatly appreciated.

Bec Maslin
Mum of 3