The Beginning

Starting your gut healing journey can be hard, so you’re best to prepare as much as possible. Both mental prep and gathering enough knowledge to embark is crucial. Luckily today there is so much information out there, you just have to know where to look and who to trust…….Be sure to trust your gut on this one!

I was thrown in to our journey totally clueless and with no prep at all. Learning day by day as my baby daughters’ new symptoms arose, worsened or eased, with the changes I was making to my diet. Having a really sick baby and no sleep while completely turning our cooking and eating habits upside down was a very challenging time for my family.

Hopefully you have less urgency for commencing your journey and have more time to research and prepare yourself.

There are two ways to go about this. You can either pick a date and launch fully into your new lifestyle cold turkey. Or, you can make the transition a little more gradual, cooking lots of the healing recipes and slowly mixing them in to your current diet. When the time comes to make the change, it won’t be such a shock to your system. You’ll have the recipes down pat and be a master in the kitchen when it comes to cooking to heal your gut.

Keep in mind diet is only one piece of the gut healing puzzle. It is important to remove stress, move your body, get enough quality sleep and remove toxins from your environment to ensure the results your are searching for.

Find your WHY

I know this term gets thrown around a lot these days, but not without good reason. It might be so you can play with your Grandkids, your children, go out of the house without having to be within 5 metres of a toilet, go on that trek at the top of your ever growing bucket list, resolve your acne or perhaps for mental health reasons. Find your ‘WHY’ and plaster it everywhere so you get constant reminders to keep you on your path.

Focus on what you will gain. Don’t obsess over what you will be missing out on.

When you’re day dreaming of that piece of cheese and doughy white bread roll, visualise yourself as an energised, glowing, healthy, happy, positive person with no aches and pains, no allergies and intolerances, no emergency trips to the bathroom. Picture yourself with improved skin, at your ideal body weight and feeling energized and healthy. It really is worth the sacrifice. You can do it!!!

Find your Tribe

Having a supportive network is often the make or break on this journey. An online tribe or that one friend or family member that can support you, or even act as a accountability buddy if that’s what you need in your darkest hour.

Feel free to join our community here for unwavering support! Ask for help and we’ll be there for you!

Know that this phase is only temporary

The mantra ‘this soon shall pass’ is one that has helped me through so many tough times. The first phase of active gut healing can be the toughest. Depending on which protocol you are following of course. Some are certainly more extreme than others. And not all protocols suit everyone. At the beginning of our journey we only consumed soups with meat and vegetables – for breakfast lunch and tea for 3 months – Christmas was pretty tough on the GAPS intro diet. I feel I would be able to handle it much better these days after all the seeking and searching I have done, but at the time it was really hard.

Real, healthy food does taste amazing!!!

Thanks to our health issues we’ve managed to seek out a heap of amazing recipes and also create our own. There are so many  delicious and healthy  recipe alternatives everywhere!

There are also lots of yum cafes and restaurants popping up these days, you just have to convince your friends to come with you, and it’s not so hard! You’ll sway them to turn their health around once they try the delicious alternatives. Or if you don’t have the option of dining out, pack your thermos full of soup and go and hang out with your friends anyway! Get out there and enjoy their company!


Join our Face Book group for support on your healing journey here.